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i am trying to retrieve lost data from 10th of March to 8th of June. unfortunately i cant select this data range in the task history. is there any way possible to replay those tasks from that data range?



If you still have those emails you could build a Zap that triggers when an email is moved to a particular label (Gmail) or Folder (other services). You could then move the emails to that folder to trigger the new Zap. Just an idea!

Hi @Danvers,


Thanks for the reply. 
I was thinking if is possible to build a zap to retrieve the data as I have the emails in the inbox. A zap that would select the range date and retrieve the data from those emails.


What do you think?



Hi @DanStan, welcome to the Community 🙂


Zapier can only guarantee a maximum of one month’s task history, so the previous tasks aren’t available, I’m sorry that we can’t help with this one. If you need any more information about your Task History, this help guide has more details: View and manage your task history