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I need it to post images gifs .mp4  i cant figure out what i need here in message and

Image, Video Or GIF I just want to post the description then content images, movie, gif.  It it title for message



The ‘image, video or gif’ field is a File field, that means that it the step will only work if you add a file in there, it wont work if you use a link to an image. 


Does the Reddit trigger include a field that says something like ‘Exists but not shown’? That’s generally what you’ll see when a Zap receives a file as part of the information from a trigger. You can learn more about using files in Zaps in this help guide: Send files in Zaps 


Theres like 50 options im not sure what one to use.  Images have multiple options. I want to post reddit to twitter. With a title then post images, video maybe gifs.

Hi @joey3 , The message is what the tweet will say along with video/image you are posting. Have you tried using data from your trigger app?