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It would be awesome to have zapier create an excel sheet from a template so validation and formatting carries over.


Please post screenshots with how each of your Zap steps are configured, thanks.

I'm really close to getting that to work it seems however when i go back to drive to open it, i get an error saying “This workbook couldn't be opened because the file format may not be matching with the file extension.” even though i have it set to save as the same type of file extension.


Nevermind got it! For some reason when I set it up it was Pulling just the excel files name into a .csv i needed to check the file(Exists but not shown) box. Thanks for your help @Troy Tessalone 

Hi @AtomicVentures 

Try this…

  1. Trigger: ???
  2. Action: OneDrive - Find File
  3. Action: OneDrive - Upload File (map File from Step 2)