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I created a "Copy messages between Slack channels" zap, manually testing was good, it copied message in channel A and push it in the same format in channel B.

I have a bot generating new message to channel A everyday, next day I thought it should show up in both channels. I checked this zap again and I do not see any time option. 

Is it possible to copy messages between slack channels immediately?  

Hi @wintecaa! One quick thing to check is how the trigger is set up.

There’s an option in the ‘Customize message posted’ section that asks if you’d like to trigger the Zap when a bot posts a message. If you want the Zap to pick up messages posted by bots, that must be set to Yes.



Thanks for the reply, I will give that a try. 

works great @Danvers ++

Hello! I can certainly help with that - Get in touch at my website, below :grinning:

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