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Populating a Docusign Form Template with Woocommerce Checkout Data?

  • 23 February 2020
  • 1 reply

Hi all--

I've successfully enabled a zap that triggers a signature request in Docusign on certain Woocommerce transactions, which is working well.

What I'd love to do is to populate more of the form fields on the Docusign template with data from the Woocommerce checkout transaction so the customer doesn't have to enter their information twice. Can anyone point me in the right direction for that?

Would I need to capture the contents of the checkout fields first in some sort of intermediary document and then pass that to Docusign as a new template, then request signature? That seems klunky, but it might work.

Thanks in advance for any ideas you may have.


The Zapier DocuSign integration doesn't have an action to create a new template so I think that this one isn't possible, sorry!