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Hello! This is my first post here, and I’d appreciate all help I can get :)

I have set up a zap for creating cards in Trello based on a Pipedrive filter. The filter could be a certain stage + other attributes on the Pipedrive card.

When a Pipedrive card is moved from Stage A to B, a card is created in Trello. So far so good. But sometimes we move cards back in Pipedrive, from B to A, and then back again to B. When this happens, a Trello card is not created. But I want it to be created, even if it’s a “duplicate”. 

I haven’t found any settings for this on the zap.

Do any of you have any experience of a similar setup and know if there’s a solution to my problem? 



Hi @Peter K!

Would you be able to change the trigger to Updated Deal Stage? You can use a Filter step in Zapier to filter the deals based on the other factors that you need (ie not the deal stage). The updated deal stage trigger works differently so it will trigger each time a deal is moved to a stage, rather than only the first time. 

Do you think that would work for you?

Hi @Peter K 

Good question.

Something you can try…

Add another Zap step to place the generated Trello Card ID back on the Pipedrive Deal in a custom field, which can then be used to exclude on the Pipedrive Filter.


Change to Find/Create Trello Card Zap step.


Thank you Troy, I will give it a go!



Hey @Peter K👋🏾


Checking in, were you successful in getting the Zap up and running? If yes, which option helped you out? 

Hello @chanelle – sorry for the late feedback.

I did try but did not get it to work fully. The use case is actually “reverse” from the proposed solution. I want cards to be created in Trello everytime a deal gets moved to a new stage in Pipedrive, regardless of if a card has been previously been created for that deal.



Trigger: Deal moved to Stage 2


Current behaviour:

Deal moved from Stage 1 to Stage 2: Card created (OK)

Deal moved from Stage 3 back to Stage 2: Card not created (NOK)


What I need is for the card to be created in Trello everytime a deal is moved to Stage 2. It seems there is some smartness trying to avoid duplicates, but I don’t want that :)


Any ideas?


Hi @Peter K!

Would you be able to change the trigger to Updated Deal Stage? You can use a Filter step in Zapier to filter the deals based on the other factors that you need (ie not the deal stage). The updated deal stage trigger works differently so it will trigger each time a deal is moved to a stage, rather than only the first time. 

Do you think that would work for you?

Hello Danvers! Thank you for the reply. The “Updated Deal Stage” works better, thanks! However, we do have 3 main stages and 7 pipelines, meaning 21 zaps. With the Pipedrive filter, I can get away with 1 zap per stage, 3 zaps in total. A bit lesser maintenance.

I will convert to “Updated Deal Stage” to make it work.

Would be great if that trigger could support many stages & pipelines :)