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Pinterest you have exceeded your rate limit

  • 2 November 2020
  • 2 replies

Im trying to connect my bigcartel shop and pinterest. When i go to connect my pinterest it says you have exceeded your rate limit and to try again in a few minutes. How do I fix this?

Hey @daffyshawtie12! To borrow a response from our support team:

Looks like Pinterest is giving us the authentication error because of a rate-limiting issue. Pinterest has enacted strict limits to the number of times each day that we can make requests to their systems for new data. Whenever the limit is reached, they will return these error messages. There isn't much we can do about this as the limits have been set from their end.

This change can also be found here on Pinterest’s developer doc:

Hope that helps to clear things up! Using a Delay after Queue step within your Zap like Troy mentioned may be a helpful workaround to try. 

Try adding a Delay after Queue step to your Zaps.