Hey all, having some trouble with the “Only continue if” function in one of my Zaps. Here’s the breakdown.
I own a running store with hundreds of different products, but am looking to upload only shoe orders from Shopify to Google sheets. I currently have a “only continue if” filter that imports when orders contain shoe sizes.
The issue is that if an order contains a shoe, it successfully imports, but also adds all additional items (for example a T-shirt) because it’s within the same order as the shoes. Im hoping someone can explain a way to only import the shoes lineitems, rather than all the lineitems within an order than contains shoes.
Might need to provide more information than this to get a solution, but hoping this can get the thread started.
Appreciate the support as always,
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Looks like it’s working! Thanks for the help and patience @Danvers@Troy Tessalone.
It sounds like you have everything set up now, @Eric Caldwell, it all works smoothly when you get an order. Let us know how you get on!
Perfect. Ill wait for an order to come in and see if it works. Appreciate you being so patient with me!
@Eric Caldwell
We’d need to see screenshots with how the Zap Step 4 Filter processed in the Zap Runs (DATA IN/OUT).
Also, please provide screenshots with how your Zap Step 5 (GSheet) is configured.
Make sure the values are mapped from the Looping step.
Thanks for letting us know @Eric Caldwell! I’m so glad Danvers and Troy were able to help get your Zap up and running here!
@Eric Caldwell
Yes, configuring and testing the Zap will use the first line item data output from the Looping step.
Great. So I have done that, now when I test the action it comes out as one line item, but it’s the wrong one. Could that just because its sample data?
@Eric Caldwell
FYI: You should also pass these values thru the Looping step, then map from the Looping step, since those are arrays as well.
I haven’t received an order since the last edit so I cannot send an updated Zap history screenshot right now.
But here are the steps configured in google sheets - this step definitely seems incorrect.
Hi @Eric Caldwell!
It sounds like you’re off to a good start with the filter step, let’s see if we can help you with the rest of your Zap. There are a few more things that we need to know to start working on this with you:
What’s the trigger for the Zap (app and event)?
Please could you share an example of the sample data for the trigger, specifically what the products look like.
You mentioned that you want to add it to a Google Sheet, can you confirm exactly how you want that to look? eg each shoe order is added as a new row in the sheet
So essentially it goes:
Only continue if it has email/name
Loop line items
Only continue if line item “meets specific shoe criteria”
And here’s a good example of the zap history that I need to work…
So we have the two line items, Asics GT-2000 and Superfeet run comfort. Both items were put into the sheet, but with my filters i thought only the shoes ( Asics GT-2000), my criteria for filtering shoes is if text contains numbers 5-15, so the Superfeeet run comfort should have been filtered out. I’ve clearly set it up wrong. Hope this is enough info!
@Eric Caldwell
Please provide a screenshot that shows the order/outline of your Zap steps.
Make sure the Filter step comes after the Looping step so it applies to each line item output from the Looping step.
Do this to help you troubleshoot and provide us with screenshots.
Thank you for the response. However, when I send a test to my spread sheet both line items seem to appear. Still unsure as to how I can only import shoe orders into the sheet.
Hoping I can provide some additional info for you to help find an answer.
Thanks @Danvers. Unfortunately im stuck on the filter section after Looping.
Here is a screenshot of my looping step (2 loops for the line item and they seem to be successfully separated. 1 shoe, 1 non shoe)
Then I get stuck. For some reason the only 2 line item options contain just the non shoe item, or both items together. Feel like I must have missed a step somewhere. Hoping you can help.
Hi @Eric Caldwell, thanks for sharing that extra context :)
To expand on Troy’s suggestion, you can use Looping to run through each line item in the order and add an extra filter as part of that so only the shoes get added to the sheet.
So the Zap would look a bit like this:
Shopify trigger
Filter - only continue if the order contains the shoe
Filter - only continue if the line item item is the shoe
Google Sheets - add row to spreadsheet
Looping can be a bit tricky to get your head round at first, so I’d recommend checking out the help guide that Troy suggested and of course if you have any questions you can ask them here!
Hi @Eric Caldwell
Good question.
Try using the Looping app followed by a Filter step to handle each Shopify Order Line Item separately.