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Any idea what would cause “paths” to not show up as an option when trying. to nested paths. It says “Paths must be on the last step”. Well it is the last step and I am not getting that option. I got it on another zap, but cannot duplicated on a new zap? 

@Ric Starost 

Got confirmation from Zapier Support that this bug has been fixed.

Hi @Ric Starost!

Hmm, I’m not sure why you wouldn’t have the option to add a Path to your Zap if you’re trying to add it as the last step. Could you perhaps share a screenshot of the Zap set up showing where you’re trying to add the Path? Thanks!

Hi @Ric Starost!

Hmm, I’m not sure why you wouldn’t have the option to add a Path to your Zap if you’re trying to add it as the last step. Could you perhaps share a screenshot of the Zap set up showing where you’re trying to add the Path? Thanks!

Thanks for the response and I should have updated my reply. Apparently there was a bug with a new design release that just went out causing the issue. 

Related topic:


Thanks for coming back to let us know @Ric Starost 😊

And thanks @Troy Tessalone for sharing that related post, super helpful!

@Troy Tessalone and @Danvers can you confirm me that you can use Paths By Zapier inside Templates as well? Because in that case the bug it’s still going and I will have to email Zapier Support


Probably best to open a ticket with Zapier Support:
