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I can see that there is now a new trigger - which is when an issue in Jira is updated. Thats great.

But i cannot see anywhere where you specify what project in Jira to refer to, or what type of ticket, or what field that is being updated.

So its currently finding ANY jira ticket where ANY field is updated. i.e. tickets getting updated every second!

How can i specify the project i want, and only when a specific status or field is updated?!

Thanks for the help

Hi @hugh_hopkins123! A Filter step right after the trigger will do half of what you need here.

A filter step will allow you to set up the Zap so that it only continues if the issue updated is in a specific Project/s. The filter wont help you with the field side of things as the data that comes from Jira wont specify which field was updated, sorry about that!

You can learn more about using filters here:

Without being able to set the conditions (eg only trigger for this Project) in the trigger step, then using a filter is the only option, sorry about that.

The good news is that if the Filter step is the second step (it's immediately after the trigger) then the Zap wont use any tasks if the filter stops the Zap run. Filter steps only use a task if the information passes the filter and the Zap moves to the next action.

I hope that's clear, let me know if you have any questions!

Hey @Danvers

Thats really useful thank you !

I have got that working, however, i can see that the zap is now running every second, with only a a very select few being allowed "through".

I feel like that is a lot of background processing time, for only a few that would actually come through. Ideally i'd want to filter them before the trigger even takes place! but sounds like thats not possible :(
