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I am running a custom query in mysql to return the rows which should be imported into google sheets. I have read through the forum posts but got no answer.

I want the multiple rows from custom query to be imported into gsheets but it only returns and imports one row. The below query should return 7 rows.


select *  from spred_subscribers.spred_subscribers_posts
where Hashtags REGEXP 'tattoo|black|fashion' and post_likes REGEXP '45|42'

Hey @spred hmm, that’s odd! Usually, with the custom query trigger, we can pick up on multiple rows so long as multiple rows are added after your Zap is turned on. You might want to check out this help article to ensure your step/query is configured correctly. If you are still running into issues, the best thing to do would be to contact our support team, here: They will be able to dig into things a bit closer for you. Let us know how you make out and if/how you solved this one!

Hi @spred 

Both MySQL search actions will only return one row as indicated in the description.