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Hi guys,


Need some help. I’m setting up an automation where it pulls up the month-to-date stats of our team and it runs every day at 10am. I had issues on how to get the first day of the month as the output date/time but able to do it. I found a post and someone commented to try using paths for each months. It worked for this month of September, but it doesn’t go through for the other months. Can someone give me detailed steps to achieve my goal? Btw, here’s a sample date/time format we use 2022-09-01T00:00:00-00:00 Thanks so much!

Hey @Troy Tessalone I think I got this one working now. 😅 My apologies. I appreciate you checking on this though!

Hi @Bahij 

Good question.

Please post detailed screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured in order for us to have more context.

@Bahij thanks for letting us know! If you have a chance, we’d love to hear how you solved this one as it will undoubtedly help other members in the future 😊