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Missing users from “On Behalf of” field when creating new Greenhouse prospects

  • 22 February 2021
  • 3 replies

Hello everybody, 

We are trying to integrate Greenhouse and Hubspot and more precisely the creation of new Prospect in Greenhouse after submitting a Form on Hubspot.

Everything goes well with the Zap creation until the “Create Prospect in Greenhouse” and “Set up action” (under “Choose Account”). At that moment we have to fill the “On Behalf Of” field. When we click on that list, there is a set of available users to choose from. The question is, how this list is populated ? Why for example I can find Alice (Alice is a Site Admin on Greenhouse) there but not Bob (Bob is a Site Admin on Greenhouse, too) ?




Just wanted to follow up here to add that often, when there are missing items in a dropdown field this can happen when only a limited number of options is loaded in by default. Often clicking the Load More button from the dropdown menu on the field can then allow you to pull in the missing items. Alternatively, you can try using the Custom value option to select them instead.

You can find out more about how this and other ways to solve this sort of issue here:
Dropdown menu in Zap field is empty or missing items

I hope this helps! :)

Hi @palo-it 

Check this support article from Greenhouse:


Hi Troy, 

thanks for the link and the idea but unfortunately it does not answer ty my question.  May be if you follow the described steps in my post you will better see what exactly is my problem.


The description given in the video , I already did it (creation of keys and so on ...)





Hi @palo-it 

Check this support article from Greenhouse: