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Manually add info to Google Sheet?

  • 4 June 2020
  • 1 reply


Basic question, I know, but I just need double verification on something I believe to be true. 

Here’s my set up:

User completes a Google Form
Data from Form is sent to corresponding Sheet
My Zap pulls data from Sheet and emails the User

I also need our staff to have the ability to manually add User information to the same Sheet (Form Responses 1) that the Form data is pushing to

From what I know, this is OK to do as long as they add the info to the BOTTOM of the Sheet. The Zap can still remain ‘on’ and any new data in the sheet will be put after the manually added data?

(the reason, if it’s necessary to know, is that my Zap emails the user a unique number, which is just their row number, and I need any of our staff manually adding users info to be able to give the user their number via telephone as they manually add it).



Hey! My name is Justin and I write for the blog here at Zapier. You are correct: you can add rows to a spreadsheet manually and your Zap will add new information below it. Sounds like a cool setup, I hope it works out for you!