@ssawyer Happy to help - you can check out our site here www.sphynxautomation.com. We offer hourly coaching sessions and a variety of white glove automation services. If there’s something specific you’re trying to achieve we’ll walk you through it during the call; if you’re just looking to learn the system and how to set things up we can show you that too.
As @ForYourIT mentioned though, you may have success with the free resources. I’d try that first, then let us know if you still need help.
Hi there @ssawyer ,
What kind of zapier workflow are you looking for specifically? Or is it in general you are not sure how to start a Zap? It sounds like quite a challenge you have gotten here! Great to see you are not giving up.
I would greatly assist you with an online call to explain you all about the Zapier platform, feel free to contact me privately. But also keep in mind we got a great community over here who are always willing to help you. If you post something in the community chat there will always be someone willing to help ;)
I will send you a message.