
List of things and referenced fields from bubble

  • 4 August 2022
  • 1 reply

Im trying to import a set of data from a type of thing in bubble. 

Some of them have connected tables of which zapier is picking up the data AS IN in bubble meaning all lists are just multiple unique IDs and all referenced feilds are just Unique IDs.

Has anyone found a way to bring the data into zapier rather than just pull its unique fields. 

Sorry if this sounds more like a bubble question but posted in the bubble forum with no help. 

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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @AjayJ, thanks for joining us here in the Zapier Community! I’m not familiar with Bubble but happy to see if I can help :) 

So, if I’ve understood correctly, you have linked tables in Bubble. When you look at these in Bubble you can see all of the information that’s in the linked table, but when the original table is pulled into Zapier, you only see the ID of the thing/record that is linked to, is that right?

There is a Find Thing action for Bubble, which you could use to find the details of the linked object - would that work what you need it to do?