Is there anyone who has linked Calendly to a shared Google Sheet?

  • 15 July 2022
  • 1 reply

It’s simple.
I already have my events built with only a few simple questions asked in Calendly.
Now, I just need help to efficiently bridge/link these 2 Apps.

I need to make sure that all my Events, when filled out by our volunteers on Calendly, properly populate the cells in a shared Google Sheet detailing which volunteers fill each slot in a Parking Lot Duty Schedule.

Has anyone linked Calendly to a Google Sheet?


1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@American Red Cross 

yes, you should be able to link Zapier to your Calendly & Google Sheet. 

Trigger: New Invitee Created in Calendly

Action: Create Spreadsheet Row in Google Sheet. 

Your workflow may be more complicated than that as you’ve stated it needs to “properly populate the cells” so you may need to use a find row action with Google Sheets followed by an Update Row action. 
