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Is there a way to cross-reference data and let us know which contacts are on HubSpot but not on RnD?

  • 23 September 2022
  • 2 replies

We are looking to clean up our CRM on HubSpot and remove old data in the most automated way possible. Identifying old data could be done effectively by cross-referencing our HubSpot contacts with our Office RnD contacts (Office RnD has a smaller, more updated contact base as it was introduced more recently). Due to the quantity of contacts on our CRM, it would realistically take too much time to manually cross-reference.


Is there a way that we can use Zapier to cross-reference this data for us and then point out contacts that are on Hubspot but not on RnD? 

Hey @George Clarke just checking in here to see if you were able to get things working with Troy’s advice. It sounds like there is some manual work involved so it might take some time but it sounds like it could help with the outcome you’re after. Let us know!

Hi @George Clarke 

Good question.

Honestly, might be easiest to have someone do manual analysis, then upload the data back into HubSpot with a new field indicating match (true/false).



  1. Export data from OfficeRnD (CSV)
  2. Export data from HubSpot (CSV)
  3. Put both data set in GSheets
  4. Run formulas to compare OfficeRnD data to HubSpot to identify matches for HubSpot data
    1. e.g. check based on a unique value such as email address
  5. Import HubSpot data with new field to indicate the match status
    1. HubSpot has great import tools


Also, if doing in an automated fashion it would make more sense to trigger from OfficeRnD which is the smaller, more accurate data set, but the only OfficeRnD Zap trigger that could be used would be Member Status Updated and not sure if that’s a data point you’d want to change.


Furthermore, with a large volume of records, that will likely use a lot of Zap Tasks and could be more expensive to configure and process than some manual data reconciliation.