
Is there a way to configure the data structure of incoming Pendo feedback data?

  • 26 May 2023
  • 1 reply


I am just starting to use Zapier and am trying to help our Product team by taking the Product Feedback data we get in Pendo Feedback and pipe it into a Google Sheet. I have setup 2 Zaps

  1. a Zap to insert a new row in the Sheet when a new piece of Pendo Feedback is added in the Pendo system and
  2.  another Zap to update a row of Feedback in the sheet based on the “ID” when it’s status is changed in the Pendo system.

Seeing a few different issues and wanted to see if there was any guidance someone can offer:

  1. Incoming Feedback data from Pendo
    1. The Feedback data I am getting from Pendo does not have the ‘Assignee’ field in it. This is critical to us as it tells us who in the Product team is already assigned to work on/triage this feedback request. Is there a way to configure the incoming data structure to have this information? 
    2. The Feedback data I am getting from Pendo has the ‘Product Area’ information in a ‘Groups’ field under “name”. Is it possible to set this up to be a standalone column in the data output from Pendo? 
  2.  The Zap that updates the data in the Google sheet based on Feedback ID is not working. I have made changes to how this is setup and even triggered manual state changes in Pendo on Feedback data by changing its status but the Google Sheet wont get updated.

Thanks for any help or guidance in advance!






1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi @manana!

Thanks for all the details you provided :) Could I ask for a couple more things so we can best help you out?

  1. Can you share a screenshot (removing any personal or sensitive data) of the format that the “Product Area” data has? Depending what’s coming through, there may be some ways to manipulate it so you can better use is in Google Sheets.
  2. Can you elaborate on what’s not working in the Zap that’s supposed to update Google Sheets? Are there are any error messages?

To answer your first question, if the data isn’t coming through with the trigger, I’m afraid the only way to get it added would be via a feature request. That lives at the integration level, and isn’t something you can specify or request from within the Zap, unfortunately. The best way to do that is to contact our Support team and explain what you’d like to have added :)
