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I’m trying to set up a zap that allows me to invite someone to my slack space, based on an email they input in a form. For example, if it could trigger slack to auto generate an invite link that gets sent to their email, that would be one way. But I can’t seem to set something like this up out of the box? If they are already in the slack space, I can invite them to a channel. But how do I invite them to my space in general, if they are not already there? 


Thanks so much!

Excellent, thank you so much @SamB SamB!

Hi there @Astro4Earth, welcome to the Community! 🙂

You’re not the first to ask about this. There’s an existing feature request that’s been discussed in a related thread:

I’ve gone ahead and added your vote for that feature to be added. Although I don’t have any estimates on when an “invite user to workspace” type of action would be added to the Slack integration, we’ll be sure to email you as soon as it is!

In the meantime, the workaround that’s noted on that related thread is to connect to Slack’s API using a Webhooks by Zapier step (using the admin.users.invite endpoint). I’ve done some checking though and it appears that it’s still only possible to use that API endpoint if you’re on their Enterprise Grid plan. So depending on the Slack plan you’re using it may or may not be a viable workaround.