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I’m trying to integrate Typeform with Shopify so that a Typeform answer filters a product category tag within Shopify for the user when they submit the Typeform and get redirected to the product page, only showing the products with the tags connected. Is it possible to filter Shopify tags through Typeform answers with Zapier? If so which ‘action’ do I use and how would I go about using the ‘lookup table’ to achieve this or another method? 

This is to only show products after the Typeform quiz is submitted which have tags associated with specific Typeform answers (e.g. How much sun does your house get? a. None b. Some c. Alot, so that answer None with Typeform can be linked/ filter to show products associated with the tag Low Light within Shopify). 

Any help is greatly appreciated,


Hey @The Plant People just checking in here to see if you saw Andy’s reply. We'd love to hear more about the outcome you’re after so we can get you pointed in the right direction. Let us know!

Hello! Welcome to the forums!

Would you be able to explain what you’re trying to do in a bit more detail. 

Is it possible to filter Shopify tags through Typeform answers with Zapier? 

Can you explain this a little more? When you say “filter tags through answers” - I’m not sure I understand what you’re trying to do.  

Any visuals/screenshots would also be massively helpful!!