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Importing orders from eBay to Xero with category

  • 17 September 2021
  • 1 reply

I already have a zap set up pulling in my orders from eBay which runs fine.

Things have moved on and I want to track my sales by the type of order (we build arcade machines), so by cabinet type for example.

To start with I have set up shop categories inside my ebay store. I’m not sure if this data is pulled through the eBay trigger or not though? It’s not showing on past zaps, but the data wasn’t there on those ones so I’m not sure if it just isnt passed or I just need to wait for another order to set it up?

If the data is available it will be easy to just reuse that shop catergory data and simply put it into the tracking data (I named them identically).

Any thoughts or better way of achieving the same result if the data isnt available would be greatly appreciated.

Hi @thedepot 

If the desired data point is not available, then you’d likely have to leverage the eBay API:

App APIs can be used in Zaps with the Webhooks app: