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IF OR in Numbers

  • 12 April 2021
  • 2 replies



I’m trying to build something that shows me the total value of products in a basket that meet slightly fuzzy condition. I’m using utilities and Number to do this but it means I need to use 5 tasks to do something that feels like it could be done in one.


IF("{{119107523__output__Products[]Items}}"="Family Main WGA +Don","{{119107523__output__Products[]Values}}","")


Any thoughts on how I could do something a little more like an IF OR? 



Best answer by XRay Tech 12 April 2021, 18:34

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Badge +4

Hi @TOMCPG you can try a “Spreadsheet Style Formula” inside Formatter.


Inside Formatter select Numbers.  Then select Spreadsheet Style Formula from the dropdown inside the “Transform” field.  Then enter your formula inside the “Forumla” field below.


You can read more about Zapier supported formulas here:

Userlevel 7
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Code steps, although more technical, allow for all sorts of custom logic to be done in 1 step: