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Hello All,

We are building a zap that sends a message to webex teams for our team to see when a certain event is triggered. The app prompts us to use a user account, but we would like to use a bot to send the messages instead. The bots when created are given a Bearer token to use for authentication. How do we use a webex teams bot rather than a user account?

 Hi @Seast - I’m sorry for the confusion there. It isn’t currently possible to post to a team as a bot. ​We do have an open feature request to add that addition and I've added you as another vote for this addition. That lets the Cisco Webex team know how many users are interested in the update and also means that we will send you an email if we have an update on this.

Hello Danvers,

Webex teams does have a native app on zapier.

Screen Shot 2020-03-11 at 8.14.29 AM.png

Hi @Seast! It looks like Webex doesn't have a public app on Zapier, to help us to better answer your question, can I ask if you are you creating your own Webex Zapier integration or are you using one that someone has shared with you?
