
How to track B2C email performance with Zapier and AI-generated emails?

  • 6 August 2023
  • 1 reply

I'm trying to use Zapier for B2B and B2C Lead Generation using A.I. Generated Cold e-mails..
For B2B it's very easy to track stats since all my Clients’ leads will have a meeting with the Client itself.

For B2C I’m still trying to figure out how I can do the following:
- I want to analyse different style of e-mails, and see which one performs best. Is there any plugin or other way to analyse response rate, open rate etc.? whilst using Zapier Mail for the cold A.I. generated e-mails? Or would you recommend a different plugin to send e-mails from? Using A.I. to create these e-mails is our business’ USP, so it’s definitely a neccesity for my business.

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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @Rickthezap 

Good question.

Make sure to review the available help articles for using Email by Zapier:


Error: Sorry! That is too many emails sent. Please try Mandrill, Mailgun, Gmail, or others for bulk email.

To prevent the Zapier Send email action from being used for spam, Zapier throttles the Send email action. If you’re on a trial or Free plan, the limit is 5 emails per Zapier account per hour. If you’re on a paid plan, the limit is 10 emails per Zapier account per hour. If your needs exceed this, you'll need to use a dedicated email sending provider like Gmail, Mandrill, Mailgun, or Sendgrid.