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I have a Zap containing MS Teams as trigger and Sheets as action (with some additional formatting/filtering features which is irrelevant to this question). I’m monitoring a specific channel which works perfectly, only I want to use the e-mail address from the specific sender of a message within the channel (for action purposes).

As far as I can see, only UserID and User name are objects, I can use in the actions retrieved from the MS Teams trigger, not the specific e-mail address attached to the users account.

I tried to look up the e-mail from e.g. LastName in MS Office 365 and MS Exchange without success.

How do I retrieve the senders e-mail address?

Anyone with the same need and with a potential solution to this specific question? 🙂

Hi @Bronsholt, I believe you are correct in stating that it is not currently possible. However, this is a great resource for seeing what is possible. Maybe there is a workaround we don’t know of yet, if you find one, please come back and share so others can use it too! 😀

Correct - so you’re saying that even with additional actions (as mentioned in description) I wouldn’t currently be able to achieve what I need?


Thanks for adding me as interested user.

Hi @Bronsholt!

What would be ideal in this situation is a Find user action for MS Teams. While there isn’t currently one, we do have an open feature request for that addition. I can’t say when/if that will be added, but I’ve added you as an interested user, which lets the team know how many folks want to see that search action and also means that we’ll send you an email if there’s an update. 
