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Hi Guys,


I am using a Zap from Excel to which pulls through the Rows in a table as items.

However, these are Purchase Orders and I would like Zapier to pull through the Purchase Order Lines as Subitems relating to the Purchase Order No (Name of the item on Monday).


For Example.

Order No: 1 (Item)

           Subitem Name: Pen

           Subitem Name: Pencil


The table in Excel contains all of this information. However, getting a Zap or Monday to match this and input it under the correct Item I cant work out.


Hope that makes sense...

Hi @AndrewGaff 

I don’t believe the Monday Zap app currently supports Subitems.

You can try using the Monday API to create Subitems:

App APIs can be used in Zaps with the Code app or Webhooks app.



Hi @AndrewGaff ,


I am still not clear with your problem. Can you share the screenshots of a few Google Sheet rows and expected output of these rows in Monday? 

Hi @jayeshkumarbhatia 


So basically, on the Monday screenshots are the examples: I want it to look like Example 1, but Zapier does it as example 2.

The Excel Screenshot shows the data in the table and i want the Product Codes to sit under the main item (Purchase Order Number) and for Zapier not to create multiple lines with the same order number.

Does that make sense?

Hi @Troy Tessalone,

Thanks for looking into this for me.

I will have a play around with it and see what i can come up with.

It’s really a simple thing i need it to do, its just whether its built in!





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