
How to create a single Zap to add and update Bubble transaction data in Google Sheets and Asana?

  • 12 January 2024
  • 1 reply

Hello -

I have a use case where I need to pull transaction data in from Bubble through to Google Sheets and ultimately into Asana. 

I would like to both create new rows and update existing rows as well. Is there a way to create one Zap integration for this or do I need to create two separate ones: one for the new items and one for the updated items?

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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @epannell32 

You could create 1 Zaps with logic to find/create + update.

For example:

  • Action: GSheets - Lookup Row
    • Check the checkbox to create a new row if not found
  • Action: GSheets - Update Row
    • This can be redundant if you are creating a new row in the previous step
    • If the majority of your activity will be to create a new row, then add a Filter as a step between