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I am creating a ZenDesk chatbot that has the user’s fields:

First Name

Last Name



… etc.


From this chatbot, the user can submit multiple items to us. With various details such as item name, price, photos… etc. This information will go into an Airtable database. 


How can I automate it so that the end user does not have to repeatedly enter their information so it automatically creates a new row alongside their submitted item? Basically, how can I automate the “copying and pasting” of certain questions (ie, phone number)?


For example:

JOHN DOE Item #1

JOHN DOE Item #2

JOHN DOE Item #3


Instead of:

JOHN DOE Item #1

                    Item #2

                    Item #3


Currently, we have an Airtable form that goes straight into Airtable. The only issue is that every time someone wants to submit an item, they have to enter their contact each time. If they submit multiple items, this can be annoying. 

Hi @hhh 

Good question.

We would need to see screenshots of an example for the DATA OUT from the Zap step where the user submitted multiple items.