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How to automate specific flodesk email from teacheable new enrollment?

  • 24 August 2021
  • 1 reply

I wanted to automate my specific flodesk email to new enrollee from teachable. Is that possible? I tried to use teachable “new enrollment” as trigger and flodesk “new subscriber to segment” as action. Hoping someone can help me with this question. Thanks!

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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hi there, @Jannah! Welcome to the Community! 

It looks like this should be achievable! I took a quick peek and it looks like the “Subscriber to Segment” action requires the user to already exist in Flodesk. You might try “Create/Update Action Subscriber” → “Add Existing Subscriber to Segment”. You can also peruse some of the available action/trigger options between the two applications here


I hope this helps to get you started! 🙂