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I’d like to use Zapier to upload our contact records (about 9,000) and any new that come up into our Google Ads Manager custom list for retargeting. I am having trouble with formatting. 

I have one Zap set up to upload email addresses only. That’s working. 

When I make a ZAP to upload all six datapoints Google allows (Email, First Name, Last Name, Country, Email, and ZIP Code and phone), i am having a problem. 

To do this, all six must be included in the record. Here’s where I am having trouble: 

  • If I don’t have all six in the database, I want to upload the email address only. 
  • Our database, has the country as “United States”. Google wants only “us”
  • Our database has some ZIP Codes with the +4, some not. Google wants only the 5 digits main ZIP Code. 
  • Our database has about 1/2 the phone numbers with the 1 (+1 for US dialing), about 1/2 without. Google wants the 1 in front.

It looks like I have to learn the Zapier programming language with lots of if this, then that rules, If I have to do that, it’s easier to export to Excel, clean it up, and import to Google. 

Is there an easy, better way than either of these options? 



Hi Troy, 

This is excellent information. Concise and on point. Thank you! 

Tom Scott

Hi @TJScott.Oviedo 

Good question.

Only Zap fields that are required or conditionally required would expect a value be supplied.


  • If I don’t have all six in the database, I want to upload the email address only. 
    • You’ll need to add logic to check these conditions, possibly with Filters/Paths.
  • Our database, has the country as “United States”. Google wants only “us”
  • Our database has some ZIP Codes with the +4, some not. Google wants only the 5 digits main ZIP Code. 
  • Our database has about 1/2 the phone numbers with the 1 (+1 for US dialing), about 1/2 without. Google wants the 1 in front.
    • You can use a Formatter > Numbers > Format Phone Number step to normalize the data


NOTE: Multiple Formatter steps could be condensed into 1 Code step: