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How do I update the zap when I make changes in a Google Form -- it appears that I have to create a new zap each time the form changes … which is not maintainable.  Ideas?

Hi there @architectscott - speaking broadly, sometimes it can take a minute for the updated fields to show up in your Zap editor. I’m wondering, if you take a look now can you see the new fields you added? 


Let me know, otherwise it may be best to open a ticket with our friends in Support to see if they can dive deeper into what you’re experiencing. 




As per “Does the URL for the form change every time? Why do you have to make a new zap?”

No - the URL does not change.  Issue is that when I update the form and add new fields -- the new fields are not available to the zap … so I am not sure if there is a setting that I need to use or somehow to get the zap to recognize the updated form.

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Thanks in advance …


Hi @architectscott 


Does the URL for the form change every time? Why do you have to make a new zap?