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How do i send an email in Gmail when a label is added to an email in Gmail?

  • 24 March 2023
  • 1 reply

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How do I properly format Gmails TO Names and TO Emails? 

I have a simple zap. In Gmail when a label is applied to an an email, an email is sent to another address. I couldn’t see a Forward action so this seems like the best approach. 

Looking at the available options in gmail I have TO Names and TO Emails. (same for CC) but these are just strings. I would like to parse these strings so that they output looks like this

TO Name 1 <TO Email 1>, TO Name 2 <TO Email 2>

eg. Gav <xxxxxx>, Sid <xxxxxxxxx>

Just so that it looks correct when the email is sent on to the end user.

It looks like I should use the formatter but I can’t figure out how i loop through the names and emails arrays and join them back together how I want.


Hi @antihippy 

Good question.

How are you trying to use those parsed values in the Zap action step? (Please post screenshots.)

Try using Formatter > Utilities > Line Item options