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Hello , At our company we use Asana , we have a form that people use and we receive the ticket , we are trying to implement when getting the ticket with a specific subject to be sent to another project in Asana . Have tried 

4. Add Task to Section of Project in Asana 

but for some reason it takes all the tickets that are opened and not with the specific subject


Ah bummer to hear a filter step didn’t work but glad to you were able to find an alternative with paths, @EXC

Thanks for keeping the thread updated and we’re all excited to hear how this works for you! 🙂

This did not work so i made the following edit on action , add to a section of a project with task id and if path true will test this and revert

Hello , have created a new zap as you mentioned with filter , added on the filter continue only if data name contains then the data name , then as action add to a section of a project with task id , will update as soon as we test

Hi @EXC!

There isn’t a way to specify specific data names/tickets in the Trigger part of the Zap, but you can use a Filter step to do that. A filter step is simpler than Paths, when a filter is added to a Zap, it looks at the information coming into the filter and only allows the actions to continue if the information meets specific criteria. If you need the Zap to only continue if there’s specific information in the ticket, then a Filter is your best option. 

@MohSwellam gave some great advice about finding the fields that you might need to add to the Filter:

If so, you need to turn off the zap, fill up a form, go back to the Zap and load more test data, you should then see the reply from the form. Once you have that, look for the word Form or maybe the Form title, so we know that it has a source. 


Could you give that a go and see if it does what you need? Let us know how you get on and if you need some more help :) 

Its the Asana form , is there a way to pinpoint to specific data names of tickets or do i need zapier paths ?

Hey there @EXC - how is your Zap coming along? Were you able to troubleshoot using Moh’s suggestions? We’re here to help, so let us know if there is anything else we can do to get you on the right path :]



Ah ok, I get your point now! So you mean it sends tickets whether created by Form or directly inside Asana, which is the expected behavior since you chose the trigger New Ticket in Asana without specifying a source. 

It seems Asana integration doesnt have New Form Submission. Instead, you need to specify that it only triggers for tasks created by the form, which the tricky part. Which form app are you using? Asana forms directly? If so, you need to turn off the zap, fill up a form, go back to the Zap and load more test data, you should then see the reply from the form. Once you have that, look for the word Form or maybe the Form title, so we know that it has a source. 

In case this data doesnt come from Asana in the response, then we need to find another way.

I select the project to be sent , its sending new tickets which is what we need but its sending all the new tickets , added the task id , because when i select data name it comes up with an error 

Ok, how do you specify which project in step 2? 


Also, do you mean it moves existing tasks? Are you specifying the task ID it should move in step 2? 

Its sent okay to the other project and has the same ticket id , but for some reason instead of sending only the tickets with specific subject , its sending all my tickets on that project , is it possible for a solution ? or do we need paths ?

Hi @EXC 


Please share screenshots of your current setup so we can help you better. For example, do you have steps to find the Project you need to send the task to? Asana will need the Project ID to do that and im guessing the form doesn't have the project ID.