Hi @Alex_ekhlass
At the moment, we don't support Team folders, but we do have it as a feature request.
To add your interest, contact support and we can notify you if and when we are able to add this to the Dropbox integration.
Hey @Alex_ekhlass!
Troy is correct here. Shared Team folders are not currently supported. I’ve added your vote to the existing feature request for this. While can’t give an ETA on when support for Team folders would be added to the DropBox integration, we will notify you by email as soon as it is! :)
Thanks! @Troy Tessalone @SamB
You’re welcome @Alex_ekhlass! Glad we could help. :)
@SamB@Troy Tessalone
I would love to be notified as soon as this feature is available as well, thank-you! :)
Welcome to the Community, @Noel!
I’ve added your vote to the feature request. We’ll notify you by email as soon as it’s added!
Any news on this feature ?
Please add my vote for this feature.
Hi there, Serge!
While we don’t have any updates to share at the moment, I did get your vote added to this feature request. We’ll keep you and this thread in the loop as soon as we know more.
Welcome to the Community! 
Hello everybody,
is it still not possible to access dropbox team folders?
Hi @studiohungry!
I’m afraid that it isn’t possible to access a shared folder in dropbox using Zapier, I’m sorry about that. If we have some news on this, we’ll update this post.
Given the recent “upgrade” to Dropbox Business accounts, my Zapier automations (which include creating folders in a team “share”) are broken. Is there any update to the ability to use Zapier to access shared (Team) folders in Zapier? The utility of Zapier for our use case has deteriorated overnight.
I’d imagine anyone who had their Dropbox Business accounts migrated to this new folder schema is similarly affected.
Please add my vote for this fix (which should not be considered a new feature).
Hi @Ashtonc and @ackwalk
I’ve added you both for this feature request. We’ll keep this thread update and email you guys when an update is available.
@jammer.solijon Please add my vote for this fix as well
I have been working on this for a while, The idea is to export the order (.xls) from woocommerce to dropbox “shared files” folder.
The idea is this:
1.At 12.00am, zapier will the export orders in .xls format(from woocommerce) to “shared files” folder in dropbox
But the problem is, in zapier there is no “shared files” as a folder option when I’m choosing the folder destinantion. I only can access the personal folder. The reason why I want to choose the “Shared files” folder is to share the files with my team.
The zapier plan that I am using is Starter Plan. Do I need to upgrade to a specific plan to get access to it?
Do you know a way around this?
Please add me to the list also - half of the shortcuts within our business run on it.
eg: If a client shares a specifically titled document / PDF via email, we save it to a folder which then sends alerts for someone to check it.
If we get certain newsletters/PDFs from a particular source, it goes into a particular shared folder, which then creates a weekly summary of newsletters
etc etc etc.
Currently we can’t see any folders.
We have the same issue here with our Zaps. DropBox Business upgraded to Team Spaces and bam, no more Zaps working. :(
Hi @akohrs, @Conno and @IzzyJ
I’ve added you guys to this feature request. We’ll update this thread if there are changes and email you guys individually once this request is active. Thanks!
Please add my vote to getting this added. Thanks.
Hi @Robbie12345,
I’ve added you to this feature request. We’ll email you once an update is available. Thanks!
Hi @Jussimir
I’ve added you to this feature request and we’ll update via email once available.
Please add my vote to this feature - thank you.
Hi @mshurtle
I’ve added your vote for this feature request, we’ll update you via email once available. Thanks!
@jammer.solijon please add my vote for the feature. Same problem here. ouch ouch