
How do I map specific Facebook lead fields to my database and extract only the date from a multi-value field?

Good Morning

i’m testing zapier for send the facebook leads coming from my facebook ads module and insert it on my database.

When i try the mapping for add the right flied text in the right column in database, zapier tell my all fields are required.

This is not true, i don’t want to use all fields but only someone.

Other things, in my database i have fields “arrivo” and “partenza” where i add the arrivals date and departure date.

  • On facebook module i have only 1 fields with a select where users select the week of holiday, for example:
    from 01/09/2023 - 08/09/2023 - 7 nights 420 €
    from 08/09/2023 - 15/09/2023 - 7 nights 400 € 
  • etc etc
  • In this case i want to to use only the date and put in database.
  • How is possible to make it? (if is possibile)

Thank you

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3 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +7

Hi there @No_Stress - checking in on how you’re coming along. Are you able to get your Zap working as intended? Let us know and we can keep working to help make things right!


Best- Rachael

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi there @No_Stress,

Welcome to the Community! 🎉

Just to clarify before we proceed further, are you noticing any fields in the MySQL step of the Zap editor that are marked as required when they shouldn't be? If that's the case, you might need to activate the "NULL" option for those fields to make them optional.


Please keep us posted! 😊

Userlevel 1
Badge +1

Which database are you trying to connect to?


If the integration says the fields are required, it’ll be hard to work around that. Can you not preset the fields so the integration is at least happy? And then you can ignore the fields in the database.


For the dates, if I undersatnd, the format you receive is like from 01/09/2023 - 08/09/2023 - 7 nights 420 €`


If so, you could try a Utility step in Zapier. Use the “Split” action, split by “-”, and then use the date that you want.


If that makes sense?