
How do I insert a button with a Mailto link to my HTML message in MS Outlook?

  • 12 December 2022
  • 4 replies

I’m sending a HTML message in Outlook and would like to insert a BUTTON with a ‘Mailto:’ link.  Have the ‘Mailto:” working good but can not get a BUTTON to displey and execute the string? Any help?

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4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @epeschke!

How are you getting on with this Zap, were you able to figure out the button? 

If you need some more help, could you let us know if you’re adding the html in the Zap editor and whether or not it works if you try the same thing directly in Outlook. Essentially, we need to work out if the trouble is the html code or how it’s being interpreted when it’s sent by the Zap. 

​I hope that's clear, please let me know if you have any questions!

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Here are some Google Search results on the topic of email buttons:

Thanks Troy for your reply. I posted earlier but must have done it wrong.


Two examples of the ‘<a href=“mailto:’ string inserted at the bottom
of an Outlook email used with Zapier.

Example #1 works correctly
Example #2 does not work when adding the <BUTTON> tags

Not sure if Outlook does not allow buttons to if the syntax is wrong…
Thanks for any help..

1. <a href=" like a Meeting&body=Hello,John Doe%0A Thank you for responding to our message. If you have any other information, please include it in this message. "%0A%0A Please click on Send to send this message to our Team">Would like a meeting</a>&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp>

2. <a href=" like a Meeting&body=Hello,John Doe%0A Thank you for responding to our message. If you have any other information, please include it in this message. "%0A%0A Please click on Send to send this message to our Team"><BUTTON> Would like a meeting</BUTTON></a>&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp>

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @epeschke 

Good question.

Please post screenshots with how you have it currently configured along with the encountered issue so we can have more context, thanks.