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When adding a trigger from Hubspot I am able to select “Additional Properties to Retrieve” 


But when I try and add a filter based on this property is does not come up in the options: 


How do I filter my trigger based on the additional properties I have selected? 

Hi Sam, that was it. The sample didn’t contain data! Thanks!

Hey @Aimee, welcome to the Community!

In the sample that was selected in the HubSpot trigger, does the Shopify: is_store_active field contain a value? If not, that might be why it’s not available to select in the filter. 

If it doesn’t have a value for that field, try changing the sample that’s been selected to one that does. Then head over to the filter again to see if you’re then able to select the field.

But if the selected sample already has a value for that field, perhaps the name appears differently when it’s passed to other actions in the Zap? So instead of searching for Shopify: is_store_active, try searching for just Shopify to see if that finds the field.

Please give that a go and let us know how you get on! 🙂