
How do I automate updating time logs in communications with default values using Zapier daily at a set time?

  • 1 March 2024
  • 7 replies

Hello All! 

I need help with a Zap, obviously. I want to automate the process of automatically updating a recorded time log in communications with a default time for emails. I have quite a bit of a backlog. 

I want to happen is every day at set time call it 5 am, we search all logs in communication and see if the value is null and if so enter a value of .1 or 6 mins into the time section. 

7 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi there @TheCDNLawyer,

Welcome to the Community! 🎉

Before we dig deeper into this, would you mind telling me the apps you’re integrating with Clio? This is for me to give the best possible suggestion for you.

Thank you!

Gmail, Clio and Zapier - nothing crazy 

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @TheCDNLawyer 

To do that type of logic you would need to do:

  1. Trigger: Schedule
  2. Action: Clio API
    1. Used to get existing Communication records
    2. Using app APIs in Zaps is an advanced approach
    3. This may involve paginated results (e.g. MAX 100)
    4. Options
      1. Custom Action (via AI)
      2. API Request
  3. Action: Filter
    1. Check that there are results to process
  4. Action: Looping - Create Loop from Line Items
  5. Action: Filter
    1. Check if the value is null
  6. Action: Clio API (again)
    1. NOTE: There is no native Clio Zap action for Update Communication
    2. Used to update an existing Communication record



Ah !  Ok What about to fix it going forward? So every time an email comes in I autolog the time at .10 of an hour or 6 mins with a description that is a summary from the email used with a LLM? 

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


You’ll have to configure and test to determine if there is a field available to log the time for the email using this Zap action: Clio - Create Communication


If you are trying to use AI:

I used the time entry spot but it isn’t working 



Userlevel 7
Badge +14


For us to have full context, we will need to see screenshots from the Zap EDIT mode, so we’re able to see the field types and field descriptions.
