
How do I attach a Google Calendar event one hour before the event in PDF to a Gmail reminder?

  • 21 August 2023
  • 2 replies

Userlevel 1

We have a zap that sends a reminder out to the invitees of a Google calendar event one hour prior to the event start time. We have a PDF attachment on the Google Invite and would like that to be sent as an attachment on the gmail reminder. Is there a way to accomplish this? 

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2 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +6

Hi @Alyson ,


Yes this is possible to build. I can share a rough solution - 


Trigger - New Event Start in Google Calendar

Action 1 - Search for file in Google Drive with file name from Trigger

Action  2 - Send an email via Gmail with attachment url from Action 1


Note - If there are multiple attachments in Google Calendar, you will have to use Looping by Zapier along with an app to record the file URL’s

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @Alyson 

Good question.

The GCal Event will return a link for the attached file, but the link will need to be converted to be a direct download link.

This can be done with Formatter steps or 1 Code step.