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How can I only send contacts to a specific Lead Connector (GHL) list from a Constant Contact form?

  • 24 September 2022
  • 3 replies

Looking to get some help on getting a new contact that fills out a constant contact email signup form, to be fed into my GoHigh Level account.  I can only figure out how to get ALL new contacts into GHL, but I’m trying to only send contacts that get fed to a particular list, from this form.

I see how to do it by a tag, but the form doesn’t allow me to tag them first.  Any help is appreciated. 


Oh crap, I figured it out.. I had a hard time figuring out the list ID, but after some googling was pretty easy.  I think I have it set up properly.  Thanks for the help!

Hi @jwetmore34 

In either trigger step or using a Find contact action you can get their list ids, then using a filter step you can only process contacts from certain filters.

Thanks for replying. . Can you give me a little more clarity on this one? 

I see the “list membership” option.. Is this what I use,, and what do I filter with exactly?  Your answer on my other post was perfect.. this one I’m having trouble figuring out. Thanks

Hi @jwetmore34 

In either trigger step or using a Find contact action you can get their list ids, then using a filter step you can only process contacts from certain filters.