
Gravity Forms send attachments to Smartsheet?

  • 27 October 2021
  • 4 replies

Can anyone confirm if I can save new Gravity form submissions as new rows in a Smartsheet, including attachments from the Gravity forms?





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4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

@Kyle NAC

Please post screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured to provide context.

Unfortunately, the Smartsheet Zap app integration doesn’t have a Find Row action available:

Likely means the Smartsheet API would have to be used:

App APIs can be used in Zaps with the Webhook app:

Hi @Troy Tessalone, I’ve been playing around with the “Add attachments to Row” action, but I can’t figure out how to map the attachment to the correct row in Smartsheet. I.e. I have to use two Zaps to move the form data (1 zap) and the form attachments (2nd zap) to Smartsheet. How do I make sure they end up in the same row in Smartsheet without having to manually tell Zapier which row for every Gravity submission?


Thanks in Advance!



Thanks Troy! You’re right!

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @Kyle NAC 

There is this Smarthsheet action available: Add Attachment to Row


Zap Steps

  1. Trigger: Gravity Forms - Form Submission
  2. Action: Smartsheet - Add Row to Sheet
  3. Action: Smartsheet - Add Attachment to Row (map Row ID from Step 2)