
Google Calendar Dropdown list

  • 17 January 2024
  • 3 replies

How can use Zapier to create an automatic dropdown list or  multiple choice list in Google calendar?

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3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi there, @Tashobya! 👋

I’m not quite sure I fully understand what you’re looking to do here. Is it a brand new or existing custom dropdown/multiple-choice field that you’re wanting a Zap to create or select an option for?

Or is it a dropdown/multiple-choice list that you’re wanting to have displayed in the event description perhaps?

Any further details you can share about the desired fields and where exactly you’re wanting them to appear would be much appreciated. With a bit more context on the requirements here we’ll be better able advise on this.

Thanks, I look forward to your reply!

Thanks for your consideration and response. 

To clarify more, I would like to have a constant dropdown list in the descritpion section of the calendar that will be appearing whenever I’m going to create an event.

This can be something like an add-on or another feature that comes from a different software.

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Thanks for sharing some further details here, @FelixN

I just did some testing in a Zap to see if it would be possible to add a dropdown list using HTML in the description field for the event and it appears not. 

So you’d likely need to install an add-on or extension for Google Calendar that would allow you to add a dropdown list to the event. But I don’t think that would necessarily whether that would then give you access to select one of the options from that list when using a Zap to create the event. It would depend on whether the Google Calendar API would give access to fields added by a third party extension.

That said, is it that you’re wanting the dropdown to have the relevant option selected automatically when the event is created? If so, perhaps an alternative might be to add the name of the selected option instead of having it appear in a dropdown list.

For example if you have a form that someone fills out and one of the questions was something like “Favourite animal?”, on the form that question could be a dropdown field with a list of different options for them to select. Then you could have a Zap that triggers when someone fills out the form and creates the event on the relevant day and time and in the description includes what they selected. For example “Favourite animal: Tiger”. 

Would that sort of approach work perhaps?