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Is this really the best solution for this issue : 


My use case is similar but different. We need to send encrypted pdf files so we use PDF4me to encrypt them but when we attach them to the Email we are also getting an extension-less file, and some Windows systems aren't able to recognize that the file is a PDF.

Is there a solution that would make this process easier?, it seem like adding ".pdf" to a file should be like dead simple.


Nevermind, PDF4me fixed the issue, now it returns a file with the same name and extension as original submitted, meaning now i have the same file but now it's encrypted. I call that a WIN. Thanks PDF4me Team.


Hi @Venilabs - Does PDF4me integration return an extension-less file? If possible, please try to download the file before attaching it to the email and see if that’s the case then let us know. Thanks!