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When I add a tag on an action plan as the first step on the lead flow, then have Zapier trigger on that tag it doesn't work. I think it's probably too fast for Zapier to pick it up vs. adding the tag after the lead was created. What are your thoughts?

Awesome! Glad you were able to solve it :) 

@MohSwellam it worked.

I haven't used Follow Up Boss so Im not familiar with its setup. But that should work yes, you’re saying it didn't? 

@MohSwellam my solution was to have Follow Up Boss add a Lead Flow Delay in my Advanced Lead Flow Setup. This allows time for the data to be filled in before it’s sent.

Hi @Steve Gomez 


The problem with filling the data manually in any App is that some data will fire the zap while the rest of the data is still being typed. This is why it is always advised to have one of 2 things:


  1. Either a field in your app that is a checkbox to Trigger Zapier
  2. Or to have the data all added at once using some kind of form then send it to the app you need

@jesse I have one issue where the lead comes in from Ylopo > follow up boss > new contact trigger > filtered by sourceId: > then I get an error phone_number: {{170344473__phonesn]value}}

Then I go back in and the phone number is there, I think Ylopo sends the email first, then fills in the other data. By the time the other data is there the zap has failed. I even tried delaying it 1 minute.

Trying this method since the tag trigger didn’t work in follow up boss from the lead coming in directly from Ylopo and being tagged at the very instant it came in.

Hey @Steve Gomez! So I can make sure we’re on the same page, are you using the “New Contact” trigger or the “Tag Added to Contact” trigger? If the “New Tag” then I believe it should be firing regardless of if the tag is added manually or from an action plan. 

Also, is your Zap turned on or are you still testing/editing? Let us know and we’ll keep working through this one with you!