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Good afternoon, I am using 2 applications for data integration. 1. Botmother and 2.Google Sheets

I am new to the Finding / Updating Rows in Google Sheets tutorial. I can’t understand how I can configure Finding / Updating Rows in Google Sheets. And also in Botmother I use triggers at different stages in the sequence, but I encounter a problem - that I can not enter all the data in one line. And it turns out that when entering the data, one by one, each different trigger transmits its setpoints and, accordingly, this is carried one line below in the general design. Another caveat regarding restrictions. Can I update a whole row in Google Sheets or only 1 table cell when new values ​​come from Botmother? I hope you will help me in these matters)

Hi @Vladiss, it's nice to see that you were able to get in contact with Samantha from Zapier Support. We think the solution you mentioned would be worth sharing to the rest of the community so here it is: It looks like your questions were related to a feature request. I have put in a feature request for this on your behalf. That does a few things:

- Bring this to the attention of the integration developers
- Help track interest in this feature being implemented
- Allows us to notify you via email if this feature becomes available in the future

While I don't have an ETA on when this feature might be implemented, we will notify you via email if it is!

Hi @Vladiss!

I see that you’ve written to our Support team and they have responded with some directions and also some questions. Please continue the conversation there, since they’re able to dig into your Zaps :)

If there's any way you could update this thread once your issue has been resolved, we’d very much appreciate it! Then, anyone who comes across the thread can benefit from the answer.
