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Hello, it would be great if either of the “Create Detailed Event,” “Update Calendar Event,” or “Add Attendee/s to Event” actions for Google Calendar had a field for designating attendees to be added as “Optional” guests in the meeting.

This feature is available in GCal through the “More Options...” when creating a new event, and subsequent event editing:

Thank you!

@christina.d thank you :)

Hiya @mixelpix!

I did some digging and it looks like there was an existing feature request for this! I’ve gone ahead and added your vote to it so you’ll be kept in the loop if and when this is implemented. We’ll be sure to keep the thread updated as well. Thanks for sharing your feedback. 🙂

Thanks @Troy Tessalone  - will do!

Hi @mixelpix 

Best to submit feedback and feature requests via Zapier Support to be logged: