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How do I create a Zap the triggers from a FB lead that has the choice between to attend an event on either a Tuesday or Thursday?  Not date, just 2 different options of a day of the week.

Hi @Paula Miles!

I wanted to check in with you on this one, since we didn't hear back after our last message. Did you still need help here or were you able to resolve things? Please let us know :)

Hello Paula! My name is Justin and I write for the Zapier blog. That sounds like an interesting Zap, but I want to make sure I understand what you’re asking. Are you saying that you’ve set up a Facebook Lead Ad, and that one of the options in the form customers fill out is a choice between Tuesday and Thursday? If so the answer is absolutely yes: you can trigger a Zap using that ad, and you could even sort the responses depending on which day they pick. What were you hoping this Zap would do? Let us know and we’ll try to talk you through it!