
Facebook pages : how to use custom field to select the Facebook page?

  • 11 October 2020
  • 1 reply

Userlevel 1


I am using Zapier for Facebook post page automation. 

It works well with 1 page. When I add a second page, for which I've been endorsed with the  administrator role, I can't post on this second page (even after a reconnect of my Facebook account in zapier). I can't use a "custom field" with value coming from airtable and containing the ID of the destination page : the first page is always to one selected by zapier, so I czn' t post on several pages using the same zap. Weird..


Is this behavior the expected one? Can't we use a custom field to define the destinztiin FB page?? 


Many thanks in advance for your help / feedback! 

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1 reply

Userlevel 1

I am on the way to unsubscribe and find another way to implement my use case (Facebook pageS publishing). I guess a custom field can't be use to set a Facebook page ID in a zap action. I can't believe it :) 

Any feedback or confirmation that I can't use a zap that way (1 zap to manage several Facebook pages, with ID determined using a custom field populated from the trigger data)?