
Facebook marking my instagram posts as spam

  • 7 June 2020
  • 1 reply

Hi folks.


Ive created zap which posting new posts from my own ig account to my own facebook group (private, visible.)


Now what is happening is that facebook marking the posts as spam. After a day of using it was each third post, now after 2 days its each second post.


What can i do with it? Whatare the root reasons? The description and img is always different, the only thing which is mostly identical all the time are hashtags. But those hastags are needed to sorting.





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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @legozberatel! I’m sorry that you’re having trouble sending Instagram posts to your Facebook Group. I checked our notes/known issues for the Facebook Groups integration and I can’t find any details of this happening to another user, so I’m not sure why it’s happening in this case. 


I can see that you contacted the Support Team about this and they did offer a way to remove the ‘#’ from the hastags (even though this isn’t your ideal solution)

It looks like removing these Hashtags in strings and replacing them with another character by using the Replace function of the Text Formatter. Here's that article that should guide you in setting this up:


It may be worth reaching out to the Facebook team to see if they can shed any light on why those posts were marked as spam. They should be able to tell you whether it was the hashtags or something else.